Florentino perez bitcoin

Florentino perez bitcoin

Florentino perez bitcoin


When you click on them, you are redirected to a web page that looks like a media site that, as we said, transcribes a supposed interview of that celebrity in El Hormiguero, where testimonials and supposed success stories are included to try to gain credibility. The reality is that these success stories do not exist because the photos have been taken from image banks.
The content is also full of links that take you to the pages of these supposed financial products, which have names like Bitcoin Revolution or Bitcoin Trader and ask for an initial «investment» of 250€ that you will never see again.

Btc to usd

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have entered our lives in an almost vertiginous way. This means that at some point you have surely thought about investing in them, but do you know how investments made with cryptocurrencies work? This is what Luis Ignacio Fernández Irigoyen tries to answer in a new chapter of «Economía a pie de calle».
We start with Ana Comellas this series called ‘The money that is coming’ to better understand how money works and where it is going, because it is increasingly more in the network and less in our pockets.

Crypto news

Florentino Pérez, Ana Botín, Amancio Ortega, Alejandro Sanz, Cristiano Ronaldo… These are just a few examples of a long list of successful people that everyone knows and that supposedly endorse investing in bitcoins, this time in a fraudulent page called bancosyfinanzas.com, with alleged address at «1457 Spinnaker Lane, Chicago IL, 60632».
Florentino Pérez is also supposed to have commented in this regard that «never before in history have we had such an incredible opportunity for normal people to earn so much money in such a short time».
Logically, it is all false. Starting from the fact that Pablo Motos never interviewed Florentino Perez to talk about bitcoins. The truth is that the page, which already has some experience, uses the cryptocurrency and popular characters as a claim in order to obtain data and, on this occasion, hard cash, and immediately.
There are many pages just as fake, but this one is a reference on the Internet, with that appearance and that apparent name, bancosyfinanzas.com, which soon turns into extra-gains.com and ipmclick.com as they lead you to their terrain.

Valor del bitcoin

Si ya tiene un número de teléfono fijo y prefiere utilizar el método convencional de recepción de faxes, todo lo que tiene que hacer es comprar una máquina de fax y conectar la línea telefónica a la máquina. Sin embargo, si desea utilizar un proveedor de servicios de fax en línea basado en la nube, debe elegir un … Leer más
1xBit es innovador tanto para el mercado del juego como para el financiero en línea.    Es compatible con otros métodos de pago y acepta muchas criptodivisas diferentes. Su compatibilidad con las apuestas con la criptomoneda bitcoin 1xBit y otras diversas opciones de pago atrae a un gran público. Con la presencia de varios tipos y formatos de juegos, satisface las necesidades … Leer más
La notable subida del precio del Bitcoin ha provocado cierta controversia en los mercados. Debido a las altas tasas de rendimiento de este activo financiero, los usuarios comunes están entrando en él a un ritmo más alto que nunca. Comprar y comerciar con Bitcoin puede parecer una tarea que requiere mucho tiempo y que está reservada a los frikis de la informática unos … Leer más

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