Comparativa bnext revolut

Comparativa bnext revolut

N26 vs bnext

Aunque todavía tengamos que contar con el dinero en efectivo, porque desgraciadamente la revolución cashless acaba de empezar, y gran parte de los negocios locales no se han pasado a los tecno-pagos, tenemos multitud de alternativas en cuanto a cuentas bancarias online y tarjetas de crédito/débito que nunca antes habíamos tenido.
Como siempre, lo que es prioritario para nosotros (como el diseño) puede no ser una característica relevante para ti, así que hemos evaluado diferentes puntos, y para cada tarjeta, tenemos un bono especial si te registras desde nuestro enlace de referencia 🙂
Tengo que ser honesto, cuando empecé a seguir hace al menos 3 años la marca en las redes sociales siempre he pensado que la comunicación era demasiado corporativa, tal vez demasiado fría, sobre todo en comparación con la segunda tarjeta que voy a mencionar más adelante.
Como he mencionado la empresa es alemana, por lo que el IBAN de tu cuenta será alemán (empezando por DE) pero están lanzando nuevos IBAN nacionales para cada país, España, por ejemplo, ya tiene las cuentas bancarias ES.
De Alemania a Reino Unido, la segunda tarjeta de crédito que hemos analizado, pero en realidad la primera que hemos probado es Revolut. El segundo unicornio de la lista y un caso de marketing muy interesante porque se han lanzado sin gastar gran presupuesto como los otros competidores, sin banners, sin publicidad, simplemente hackeando el crecimiento con una forma inteligente y transparente de comunicarse con sus prospectos, sobre todo a base de emojis.


Like its competitors, it has the advantage of no exchange fees. In addition, it offers travel insurance (see Advantages), which may be of interest to those who travel abroad frequently.
In the Euro zone, cash withdrawals are completely free with these accounts within certain limits. Bnext sets a limit of 3 withdrawals per month, after which you pay the commission of the bank to which the ATM belongs. For N26 it is 5 times a month and then you pay €2 for each withdrawal. With Revolut you can withdraw up to 200 € (Standard) or 400 € (Premium), if you exceed this amount you pay a fee equal to 2% of the amount.
With the free N26 plan you also pay no commission on the exchange rate, but if you withdraw money in a currency other than the euro, you pay a commission of 1.7% of the amount. Moreover, N26 You includes unlimited free withdrawals in any currency and travel insurance, so N26 You may be the most convenient option for frequent travelers.

Revolut iban spanish

Like its competitors, it has the advantage of having no exchange rates. In addition, it offers travel insurance (see Advantages) which may be of interest to those who travel abroad frequently.
In the Euro zone, cash withdrawals are completely free with these accounts within certain limits. Bnext sets a limit of 3 withdrawals per month, after which you pay the commission of the bank to which the ATM belongs. For N26 it is 5 times a month and then you pay €2 for each withdrawal. With Revolut you can withdraw up to 200 € (Standard) or 400 € (Premium), if you exceed this amount you pay a fee equal to 2% of the amount.
With the free N26 plan you also pay no commission on the exchange rate, but if you withdraw money in a currency other than the euro, you pay a commission of 1.7% of the amount. Moreover, N26 You includes unlimited free withdrawals in any currency and travel insurance, so N26 You may be the most convenient option for frequent travelers.

N26 spanish iban

First of all we will start by analyzing why we need to carry one of these cards when we travel… (especially if we travel outside the EURO zone), once we are clear about the benefits of having these cards we will compare each one of them, weighing their strengths and weaknesses. Finally you will have to decide which one or two of them you will choose to start saving on commissions.
First of all, for convenience and secondly to save money. First of all, the best thing to do when traveling is not to carry large amounts of cash…it is dangerous not only because it can be stolen but also because you can even lose it (it has happened to me). Secondly, we must know very well which cards to carry because the traditional bank cards do not apply all the advantages that we have with other alternatives…this brings me to the second point: do you know the commissions of your bank when using your card outside the Eurozone?
As I said I have tried a multitude of cards since 2015… anything to save a few euros! initially WeSwap, then Number26 (which is now N26), EVO, Ferratum, Revolut, Bnext…I have also tried Denizen, Verse…and even a card that had Paypal (now disappeared)…others that I have not tried because they have not convinced me are the Transferwise card or the Curve card. In short, there are many options, but don’t worry! out of all of them I will choose the 3 best ones and here I will explain everything you need to know before making a decision.

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