Nolberto solano bitcoin cuarto poder

Nolberto solano bitcoin cuarto poder

Crypto news

On the program ‘Cuarto Poder’ was guest Nolberto Solano, a man who has recovered from bankruptcy thanks to a Bitcoin trading platform called Bitcoin Revolution. The idea was simple: give ordinary people the opportunity to make money from the bitcoin boom, even with absolutely no investment or technology experience.
Users simply made an initial deposit on the platform, typically $250 (approximately 850 Sol) or more, and the automated investment algorithm went to work. Using a combination of data and machine learning, the algorithm knew the perfect time to buy bitcoins cheap and sell them expensive, maximizing the users’ profit.
After he made his initial deposit of $250, the investment platform started doing its job of buying low and selling high. Within 3 minutes, he had increased his initial funds to $483.18, which is a profit of $233.18.
Everyone in the program, including the production staff, was immediately impressed by how easy it was to make money. The platform takes care of all the investment work automatically, and since the price of bitcoin is quite volatile, there are numerous options for making a profit.

Qué es el bitcoin

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Valor del bitcoin

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