Bulo jordi cruz bitcoin

Bulo jordi cruz bitcoin

Bulo jordi cruz bitcoin

Bitcoin news

The chef Jordi Cruz, famous for his participation in the ‘MasterChef’ contest on La 1, has been the victim of a scam on the network. He has not been the responsible nor the one who has suffered in his pocket, but his image. Jordi Cruz’s face has been used to promote a Bitcoins scam on a website.
The scam was based on the fact that once you entered the fake news, the user was asked to deposit and initial investment of about 200 euros to win the same money that Jordi Cruz had supposedly won.
The scam of false investments in bitcoin, Jordi Cruz version No, the chef has not said in El Hormiguero that anyone «can become a millionaire» with Bitcoin Trader.We have already told you about this scam that only seeks to get hold of your money ⬇https://t.co/GwO6gYdFAm- MALDITO BULO (@malditobulo) June 4, 2019


The scam occurs once you enter the fake news, where they ask you for an initial investment of 200 euros to earn the same money that Jordi Cruz has supposedly earned.    Another resource they use is to include fake testimonials of people who supposedly have made profits through Bitcoin Trader but are actually models of image banks. Before the image of Jordi Cruz, the fraudsters have used those of characters such as Amancio Ortega or Antonio García Ferreras.

Valor de bitcoin

La conjetura de Goldbach (en la teoría de los números) es un fenómeno crítico de transición de la fase Sc a la normal que rompe la brecha de los fermiones/pares (en la no-Sc): ¡¡¡Primas N-Bec-Factorización/Descifrado-Amenaza Cibernética (Ibm/Blockchain) Son Obligatorias!!!
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