Bitcoin era mauricio cardenas

Bitcoin era mauricio cardenas

Bitcoin era mauricio cardenas

Bitcoin to euro

As explained by La Crónica del Quindío, it is not true that they have published a note where they encourage an alleged investment and trade of cryptocurrencies quoting former minister Cárdenas. The media indicated that the publication is false and that they have no relationship with Fullblogz.
Cardenas also denied the note. «The news that has circulated these days about an alleged recommendation to make a financial investment is absolutely false, I do not make recommendations on financial investments, much less on cryptocurrencies,» said the former minister to La Crónica del Quindío.
In turn, on several occasions Cardenas has shown his opinion against investing in cryptocurrencies. «Do not think that I am recommending investments in cryptocurrency or bitcoin, because I do not consider that to be the way to invest the savings of Colombians. It seems to me a speculative investment, risky and in many cases the model of a pyramid,» said the former minister to RCN Radio.

Bitcoin value

The former Minister of Finance Mauricio Cardenas Santamaria clarified that it is false that he is recommending to invest in bitcoins or cryptocurrencies. This in response to a series of ‘fake news’ that have circulated in social networks and WhatsApp linking him with this investment.
For his part, Cardenas has been an enemy of ‘bitcoins’: «Do not think that I am recommending investments in cryptocurrency or bitcoin, because I do not consider that this is the way to invest the savings of Colombians. It seems to me a speculative investment, risky and in many cases the model of a pyramid», said the former minister to RCN Radio.
On the other hand, this situation has revived another false news: that Carlos Cárdenas, linked to the Luis Andrés Colmenares case, is Mauricio Cárdenas’ nephew. The Netflix series also influenced this ‘fake’ to be mentioned again. In any case, Cárdenas Santa María has already said that he has no relationship with the young man.


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Btc to usd

To those who claim that BTC is a trend on the verge of disappearing, experts respond: «This is similar to the change from cash to credit cards, it is a new model that will take time to understand and massify. Despite the fact that China and now Colombia have vetoed banking transactions with these currencies, in the long term they are going to become a commodity, like gold or oil,» says Sandoval. «It’s just the beginning, the real potential is just beginning to be understood and developed,» Mendoza concludes.
Bitcoin users assure that it will happen as with credit cards: it will take time to understand the model and massify it, but in the long term it will become a commodity, like gold or oil.
It is a virtual currency created by the alias of Satoshi Nakamoto that began operating on the Internet on January 3, 2009. It was proposed so that economic exchange would cease to have intermediaries, and would begin to be peer-to-peer. Its users claim that the problem with conventional money is the trust we must place in financial institutions and the costs of local or global transactions. This virtual currency uses peer-to-peer technology, without a central authority to intermediate or regulate it. Both transactions and the issuance of BTC are carried out collectively by the network.

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